Ontario Real Estate Lawyers Association


The Time is Now.


Advocating for Ontarians

The Ontario Real Estate Lawyers Association (ORELA) was founded by lawyers representing property buyers, sellers, and investors, with the purpose of promoting access to the legal system for all Ontarians, maintaining and improving real estate legal practices, and protecting real estate transactions from fraud.


Our mission

First, We unite

The “first order of business” for ORELA will be to unite Ontario Real Estate Lawyers by establishing a mailing list (not to be abused) for the purpose of establishing convenient communication among its members.

Second, We Advocate

Once communication is established among Ontario Real Estate Lawyers, we choose the issues that are important to us, and our clients.

Third, We Fund

We gather affordable financial support among ORELA’s many members to fund action necessary to address the issues we deem important to both our profession and to our clients.